Willie-wagtails are very cute. They flitter and flutter and never sit still with their tail wagging behind them. According to some Australian bush legends they are great gossip-mongers (there's a story about that in Wild Bird Talking Issue 3). Whether or not that's true, no one can deny that these are very hard working birds. The first to rise at the crack of dawn and the last to retire at night. You can still see them catching a last insect in the late hours of dusk, long after the other birds have settled for the night.
But they are shy birds and their visits to our yard have been few and far between. Each time they flitter off after stopping by for mere seconds. The thornbills surprisingly were bolder birds. On one of our walks, they flew over from across the paddocks to say hello and walk with us. A willie-wagtail who is much bigger had flown off. Seeing them being quite at ease in our presence, he returned and said hello too. But that is another story.
So, we were very priveleged indeed when we received a surprise visit by this bird. Not only did he drop by, but he stopped long enough to let us photograph him in different poses. Our challenge was to get a clear focus. I have not yet learned to hear his message, but I do hope he gives us more opportunities to become friends.
Take a look at the slideshow below of his visit.
(click on the 'next' button to forward through the slides).
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