Pied Butcherbirds
Magnificent songsters, Pied-butcherbirds are common through most of Australia. Butch and Cass came into our yard by invitation in June 2002. Little did we know of the joys and rewards that followed, when when their kids began appearing the following year.
Their chicks are the cutest, sweetest bundles of delight, from their earliest days in their nest. Four sets of butcherbirds babies have enthralled us with their playful activities, beautiful songs, friendliness towards other species, cheekiness towards the bigger birds and vigilance towards protecting us from snakes.
Here you can see Butch and Cass with one year old Dimpy. We have many stories and slideshows to regale our readers about our butcherbird families.
To see a slideshow of one of the snakes click here.
(click on the 'next' button to forward through the slides).
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